访客大师隐私政策/NocNoc Visitor Privacy Policy


Last Revised Date: 16-05-2023


Effective Date: 23-05-2023


Welcome to use NocNoc Visitor and relevant products and services!


NocNoc Visitor (hereinafter referred to as the "Service" or the "Software") is an Internet application software lawfully owned and operated by Beijing Kundou Technology Co.,Ltd. and/or its Affiliates ("Company", "we", or "NocNoc Visitor").NocNoc Visitor will provide services such as visitor self-registration and data report generation for companies, enterprises and other Units of various sizes (hereinafter referred to as "Units").


NocNoc Visitor understands the importance of personal information to you, and your trust is valuable to us. We will protect your personal information and privacy security pursuant to the laws and regulations and with reference to the best practices in the industry. We formulated this Privacy Policy and hereby remind you to carefully read and understand this Privacy Policy before using NocNoc Visitor and relevant services, so as to make appropriate choices.


This Privacy Policy helps you to understand the following:

(1)本隐私政策适用于本软件自身的功能及服务(包括自助签到、访客邀约、安全管理、数据监测等),不适用于其他通过本软件提供的产品或服务,您在选择使用第三方服务前应充分了解第三方的服务条款和隐私保护政策。 请您妥善保护自己的个人信息,仅在必要的情况下向第三方提供。

This Privacy Policy applies to the functions and services of the Software itself (including self-check-in, guest invitation, security management, data monitoring, etc.), and does not apply to other products or services provided through the Software. You should fully understand the third party's terms of service and privacy protection policy before choosing to use third-party services. Please properly protect your personal information and only provide it to third parties when necessary.

(2)当您首次使用【飞书】帐号登录、使用本软件及其服务时,您将授权我们从飞书的运营者获取您在【飞书】中注册/登录的公开信息(包括但不限员工姓名、头像、企业手机号、企业邮箱、部门组织架构等)。 获取前述信息是为了使您可以通过【飞书】帐号直接登录并使用本软件及其相关服务,对于我们需要但【飞书】无法提供的个人信息,我们仍会要求您提供。如果您拒绝提供,将会导致您无法使用本软件及相关服务。如果您是收到单位或单位的工作人员邀请的来访人员,您无需下载本软件或注册帐号,即可按下述任一方式提供所需登记信息即可使用本软件访客登记、签到等相关服务;




When you log in and use this Software and its services with your [Lark] account for the first time, you will authorize us to obtain the public information (including but not limited to employee names, profile photos, corporate mobile phone numbers, corporate email addresses, departmental organizational structure, etc.) you registered/logged in in [Lark] from the Operator of Lark . The foregoing information is obtained so that you can directly log in and use this Software and its related services through your [Lark] account. We will still ask you to provide personal information that we need but can not provide by [Lark]. If you refuse to provide it, you will be unable to use the Software and related services. If you are a visitor invited by the staff of the Unit or the Unit, you do not need to download the Software or register an account. You can provide the required registration information in any of the following ways to use the Software visitor registration, sign-in and other related services;

(i) You voluntarily provide it to the staff of the Unit, and the staff of the Unit will fill in the visitor registration information;

(ii) You fill in the visitor registration information through the invitation link sent by the staff of the accepting Unit;

(iii) After you arrive at the Unit, you can fill in the visitor registration information through a mobile end point device such as an iPad by yourself or under the guidance of the staff of the Unit.

(3)如果您是作为企业员工使用本软件,您所属组织是【向我们提供的与您相关的个人信息】的数据控制者,我们是数据处理者,仅为向您所属组织提供服务而收集并使用您的数据。 我们将遵循您所属组织的要求而处理您的个人信息。您所属组织可能有自己的隐私告知,本隐私政策不作为您所属组织隐私告知的替代。

If you are using this Software as a corporate employee, your organization is the data controller of [Personal Information about you provided to us], we are the data processor and collect and use your data only to provide services to your organization. We will process your personal information as required by your organization. Your organization may have its own privacy notice, and this Privacy Policy is not intended as a substitute for your organization's privacy notice.


As the controller of the data of [Personal Information Provided by Visitors in Using this Software], the Unit shall ensure that the purpose, collection method and scope of collecting and using personal information are disclosed to the visitors, and the consent of the visitors is obtained. We are the data processor and only collect and process the data of visitors for the purpose of providing services to the Unit, and provide the Unit with the necessary technical support for obtaining the authorization and consent of the visitor.


this Software requires you to provide certain personal information in order to provide you with services. If you refuse to provide the data required by the Software or a feature, you cannot use the Software or that feature. Likewise, if we need to collect personal information by law and you do not provide the data, then we may have to suspend or cancel your right to use it. If this is the case, we will notify you.


Accurate geographic location, camera, microphone, photo album (storage), calendar, and activity recording permissions will not be enabled by default and will only be used for certain functions or services with your explicit authorization. You can also withdraw the authorization. In particular, we do not collect your information when the relevant functions or services do not require such information, even if we have obtained your authorization to these sensitive permissions.


The following will help you understand in detail how we collect, use, store, transfer (if applicable) and protect personal information; and help you understand how to access, copy, correct, delete, and withdraw the authorized personal information. This Privacy Policy is closely related to your use of our services, we recommend that you carefully read and understand the entire Privacy Policy and make choices you deem appropriate. Among all, important terms related to your rights and interests regarding personal information have been highlighted in bold, and please pay particular attention to it.

  1. 我们如何收集您的个人信息/How do we collect your personal information
  2. 我们如何使用您的个人信息/How do we use your personal information
  3. 我们如何使用Cookie 和同类技术/How do we use cookies and similar technologies
  4. 数据使用过程中涉及的合作方以及转移、公开个人信息/Partners involved in using the personal information and how do we transfer and disclose your personal information
  5. 我们如何存储您的个人信息/How do we store your personal information
  6. 我们如何保护您的个人信息安全/How do we protect your personal information
  7. 管理您的个人信息/How do we manage your personal information
  8. 未成年人使用条款/Terms of use for minors
  9. 隐私政策的修订和通知/Revisions to the Privacy Policy and Notifications
  10. 联系我们/How to contact us
  11. 其他/Others

1. 我们如何收集您的个人信息/How do we collect your personal information


We will collect the information you actively provide when using the service, and collect the information generated when you are using the functions or accepting services by automated means in the following ways:

1.1 在经得您所属组织和您授权同意后,我们会通过【飞书】或您所属组织获得您的个人信息,亦会直接向您(例如在您使用本软件的过程中)收集和处理个人信息。

With the consent of your organization and your authorization, we may obtain your personal information through [Lark] or your organization, and may collect and process personal information directly from you (for example, during your use of this Software).

1.2 个人信息/Personal information

以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的各种信息, 本隐私政策中包括个人身份信息(姓名)、头像、联系电话、部门组织架构、网络身份识别信息(包括账户名、邮箱地址)、来访时间、来访目的、访客登记照片、个人常用设备信息、地理位置信息等。

Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or otherwise that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information. This privacy policy includes personal identification information (name), avatar, contact phone number, departmental organization, online identification information (including account name and email address), time of visit, purpose of visit, visitor registration photo, information on commonly used personal devices, geographic location information, etc.

1.3 访客照片信息/Visitor photo information.


When you visit any of our work areas, we will collect your face photo information for the visitor card printing function, and the front desk staff will carry out person ID verification to ensure that the visitor's real appearance ID are consistent. Before collecting your face information, we will make a separate pop-up prompt, and periodically delete the face photo information stored in the background for printing purposes after your visit is over based on legal requirements. During this process, we will not provide said information to third parties unless otherwise explicitly stated and with your separate consent.

1.4 来源于关联方和第三方的信息(包含您所属组织向【飞书】提供的与您相关的个人信息)/Information from affiliates and third parties (including personal information about you provided to [Lark] by your organization).

我们可能从关联方和第三方来源获取有关您的数据,并可能将其与收到的或与您有关的其他信息结合。如当您使用【飞书】帐号登录、使用本软件及其服务,您将授权我们从飞书的运营者获取您在【飞书】中注册/登录的公开信息及您所属组织向【飞书】提供的与您相关的个人信息(包括但不限员工姓名、头像、企业手机号、企业邮箱、部门组织架构等), 使您可以通过【飞书】帐号直接登录并使用本软件及其相关服务。您所属组织可能向我们提供您的额外的个人信息,或在您使用本软件时更新向我们所提供的个人信息。

We may obtain data about you from affiliated parties and third party sources and may combine it with other information received or related to you. If you use your [Lark] account to log in and use the Software and its services, you will authorize us to obtain the public information you registered/logged in [Lark] and the personal information related to you (including but not limited to employee name, avatar, corporate cell phone number, corporate email, departmental organization structure, etc.) provided by your organization to [Lark] from the Operator of Lark, so that you can directly log in and use the Software and its related services. Your organization may provide us with additional personal information or update the personal information provided to us when you use the Software.


You understand and agree that, based on your organization's representations and warranties, your organization has obtained your prior express authorization before providing any of your personal information to us, and that the scope of your personal information collected by your organization is limited to what is necessary to achieve the purposes of this Agreement or to achieve the purposes of other agreements entered into between your organization and us. Your organization has fully informed you of the purpose, scope and use of your personal information. If you are unable to confirm the contents of these terms, you should immediately stop using the Software and its services and confirm the foregoing with your organization. We only process your personal information as a data processor at the request of your organization, and we do not assume any legal responsibility for the collection and use of your personal information by your organization.

1.5 我们在您使用本软件的过程中收集的信息/Information we collect during your use of the Software

在您使用本软件时,我们会自动收集您的IP地址及其他设备唯一标识符、Cookies(定义见下文)及其他追踪技术、浏览记录、时区、区域和语言设置、硬件的型号和设置、 服务器日志(包括访问日期和时间)、设备、操作系统以及应用程序功能、应用程序崩溃及其他系统活动的信息。

When you use the Software, we automatically collect information about your IP address and other device unique identifiers, Cookies (as defined below) and other tracking technologies, browsing history, time zone, region and language settings, hardware model and settings, server logs (including date and time of access), device, operating system, and application functionality, application crashes, and other system activity.

1.6 收集、使用个人信息目的变更的处理/Changes to the purposes of collection and use of personal information


Please understand that with the development of our business, the functions and services provided by NocNoc Visitor may be adjusted and changed. In principle, when a new function or service is related to a function or service we currently provide, the collected and used personal information will be directly or reasonably related to the original processing purpose. If our collection and use of your personal information is not directly or reasonably related to the original processing purpose, we will notify and explain to you separately in accordance with laws, regulations, and national standards by means of webpage prompts, interactive processes, or agreement confirmation, and obtain your consent accordingly.

1.7 征得授权同意的例外/Exceptions to obtain your authorized consent














Please understand that, according to laws and regulations and relevant national standards, we do not need your authorization to collect and use the personal information that is:

a. relevant for us to fulfil the obligations under applicable laws and regulations;

b. directly relevant to national security and national defense security;

c. directly relevant to public safety, public health and major public interests;

d. directly relevant to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

e. for the protection of life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of personal information subjects or other individuals, the permission of the collection and use of which information is difficult to obtain from such subject or individual;

f. disclosed to the public by the personal information subject on a voluntary basis;

g. necessary for execution and performance of contracts according to your requirements;

h. collected from lawfully and publicly disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure, etc.

i. required for the maintenance of the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as discovery and handling of the failure in products and/or services;

j. required for lawful news reporting;

k. required for an academic research institution to conduct statistical or academic research for public interest and, when providing academic research or description results to external parties, such personal information contained in the results is de-identified; or

l. other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.


Please note the information that cannot identify your identity on its own or in combination with other information is not to your personal information under the law. When the information can identify your identity alone or in combination with other information, or when the data that cannot be linked to any specific personal information is used by us in combination with other personal information of you, such information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy during the combination use.

2. 我们如何使用您的个人信息/How do we use your personal information


We will use your personal information for the following purposes:


使用目的/Purpose of use

个人信息/Personal information


Account login


The email or mobile number you used to log in


Access and find:(1) administrator settings; (2) uninvited visitors log in and select a receptionist; (3) invited visitors log in and select a receptionist


Name, profile photo, department organizational structure



Access, search, download, and analyze: (1) Obtain visit information and improve visitor experience; (2) Obtain invitation codes; (3) Query receptionists; (4) Print visitor badges; (5) Generate data reports.

The Unit is the controller of the visitor registration information, and we only process the visitor registration information in accordance with the Unit's requirements.


Visitor registration information: name, mobile phone number, visitor registration photo, company name (optional), email address (optional)


According to the specific authority granted by you in the installation and use of the Software, in order to provide the basic functions and services of the Software based on relevant technical information, and to ensure the technical requirements necessary for the normal operation of the Software.

硬件型号、操作系统及应用程序功能、IP 地址、服务器日志等信息

Hardware model, operating system and application functions, IP address, server log and other information


In order to fulfill the legal obligations stipulated by relevant laws, regulations, rules, etc., and comply with the mandatory requirements of the government, judicial organs or any other competent legal entity, collect relevant information or disclose it to the competent authority and other legal entities.


Personal information stipulated by laws, regulations, rules, etc


We will take reasonable and practicable steps to avoid collecting personal information unrelated to the purpose of use. If we use your personal information beyond the purported purpose and directly or reasonably related to the use, we will inform you separately and obtain your express consent before using your personal information.

3. 我们如何使用Cookie 和同类技术/ How do we use Cookies and similar technologies

2.1 Cookie 和设备信息标识等同类技术是互联网中的通用常用技术。当您使用访客大师及相关服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术向您的设备发送一个或多个 Cookie 或匿名标识符,以收集、标识和存储您访问、使用本产品时的信息。我们承诺,不会将 Cookie 用于本隐私政策所述目的之外的任何其他用途。

Similar technologies such as Cookies and device identification are commonly used on the Internet. When you use NocNoc Visitor and relevant services, we may use related technologies to send one or more Cookies or anonymous identifiers to your devices to collect, identify, and store information about your access to and use of this products. We warrant not to use Cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this Privacy Policy.

2.2 我们使用Cookie技术(简称“Cookies”),以提升您使用本软件的体验。当你使用本软件及相关服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术向你的设备发送一个或多个 Cookie 或匿名标识符,以收集和存储你访问、使用本软件时的信息。

We use Cookie technology ("Cookies") to enhance your experience with the Software. When you use the Software and related services, we may use related technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information when you visit and use the Software.

2.3 大部分网络浏览器自动接受Cookies,但具体是否接受由您自己决定。您可通过同意选择接受或禁用Cookies,但即使未征得您的同意,我们也可能存放绝对必要的Cookies即本软件的运行所需要的Cookies,包括让您能够登录本软件安全区域的Cookies。 我们存放的Cookies将在您终止网站会话或15天后失效。前述存放绝对必要的Cookies行为是我们提供核心服务内容的绝对必要条件,如您不同意相关授权,您无法使用本软件的任何服务。

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but it is up to you to to decide whether to accept them. You may choose to accept or disable cookies by giving your consent, but even without your consent, we may store cookies that are absolutely necessary for the operation of the Software, including cookies that enable you to log in to secure areas of the Software. The cookies we store will expire when you terminate your session on the Website or after 15 days. The aforementioned storage of absolutely necessary cookies is absolutely necessary for us to provide the content of our core services, and if you do not agree to the relevant authorization, you will not be able to use any of the services of the Software.

4. 数据使用过程中涉及的合作方以及转移、公开个人信息/Partners involved in using the personal information and how do we transfer and disclose your personal information

4.1数据使用过程中涉及的合作方/Partners involved in the using of the personal information



Legitimate principle: any activities involve using of data during the cooperation with partners must have legitimate purpose and comply with the lawful basis stipulated by law. If a partner’s use of the information is no longer in accordance with the legitimate principle, such a partner shall not use your personal information until it has obtained the corresponding lawful basis.


Principle of proper and minimum necessity:The use of data must have a proper purpose and shall be limited to the extent necessary to fulfil the purpose.

(3)安全审慎原则: 我们将审慎评估合作方使用数据的目的,对这些合作方的安全保障能力进行综合评估,并要求其遵循合作法律协议。我们会对合作方获取信息的软件工具开发包(SDK)、应用程序接口(API)进行严格的安全监测,以保护数据安全。

Principle of safety and prudence:We will cautiously assess Partners’ purpose of using the data, conduct a comprehensive assessment of these partners’ capabilities of data security protection, and require them to comply with legal agreements of cooperation. We will monitor the security of the Software development kits (SDKs) and application programming interfaces (APIs) used by partners to obtain information so as to protect data security.

4.1.2 委托处理/Entrust processing


In the case of entrusted processing of personal information, we will sign relevant processing agreements with the entrusted partner in accordance with the laws and supervise their use of personal information.

4.1.3 共同处理/Joint processing


In the case of jointly processing of personal information, we will sign relevant agreements with partners in accordance with the laws and agree on respective rights and obligations to ensure compliance with relevant laws and data security in the use of relevant personal information as well as the protection of data security.

4.1.4 合作方的范围/Scope of the partner


If the specific functions and circumstances involve services provided by our affiliates or third parties, the scope of partner shall include our affiliates and such third parties.

4.2 转移/Transfer


As our business continues to grow, it will be possible for us to conduct mergers, acquisitions and asset transfers, which may result in the transfer of your personal information. In case of aforementioned changes, we will require the successor to continue to perform the obligations of a personal information processor in accordance with laws and regulations and in no event lesser than the security standards set forth in this Privacy Policy. If the successor changes the original processing purpose and processing method, we will require the successor to obtain your authorization and consent again.

4.3 公开/Publicity


We will not disclose your information unless the disclosure complies with national laws and regulations or is with your consent. We will use industry-standard security protection measures when disclose your personal information.


Please understand that according to laws and regulations and national standards, we do not need your authorization to provide and publicly disclose to the partners your personal information that is:










a. necessary for execution and performance of contracts which you are a party or necessary for managing human resources in accordance with the labor regulations and rules formulated pursuant to the law and the collective contract concluded in accordance with the law;

b. necessary for us to fulfil the responsibilities and obligations under laws;

c. directly relevant to national security and national defense security;

d. directly relevant to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

e. in response to public health emergencies, or necessary for the protection of life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of natural persons in an emergency;

f. required for news reporting, public supervision and the personal information is processed within a reasonable scope;

g. disclosed to the public by you or otherwise lawfully disclosed to the public, and processed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations;

h. collected from lawfully and publicly disclosed information;

I. other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

5. 我们如何存储您的个人信息/How do we store your personal information

5.1 存储地点/Storage location:


We provide services to Units around the world. When you use the services in the People's Republic of China, your personal information will be stored in the People's Republic of China; when you use the services outside the People's Republic of China, your personal information will be stored in Singapore.

5.2 存储期限/Period of Retain:


During your use of the Software, we will continue to store your personal information for a period not exceeding the period necessary to provide you with the Software and its services. After you terminate your use of this Software, unless laws and regulations provide otherwise for specific information retention periods, we will delete or anonymize your information. If we stop operating the Software, we will delete or anonymize the personal information we hold in accordance with applicable laws within a reasonable period of time.

6. 我们如何保护您的个人信息安全/How do we protect the security of your personal information


We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will strive to take reasonable security measures (including technical and management aspects) to protect your personal information and prevent your personal information from being used improperly or, without authorization, accessed, disclosed to public, used, changed, damaged, lost, or leaked.


We will protect your personal information by using encryption technology, anonymization and relevant means that are reasonable and feasible, and not inferior to those of the industry peers, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent your personal information from malicious attacks.


We will establish a special security management system and data security process to safeguard your personal information. We adopt a strict data use and access system to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your personal information and conduct security audits of data and technologies in due time.


Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that due to technical limitations and possible malicious means, in the Internet industry, it is impossible to assure 100% security of information even if we have done our best to strengthen security measures. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provided to us.


You acknowledge and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take active measures to protect the security of your personal information, including but not limited to using complicated passwords, regularly changing passwords, and not disclosing your account passwords and related personal information to others.


We will formulate emergency response plans, immediately launch the emergency response plans when information security incidents of the user occur and strive to prevent the impact and consequences of these information security incidents from expanding. Once an information security incident of user (leakage, loss) occurs, we will promptly inform you, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, the basic situation and possible impact of the information security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions of measures that you can take to prevent and lower the risk, and remedies for you. We will timely inform you of the relevant information of the incident by means of pushing notifications, emails, letters, text messages and other relevant forms. When it is difficult to inform you individually, we will release an announcement in a reasonable and effective way. At the same time, we will also report the disposal of information security incidents of users in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities.


Once you leave NocNoc Visitor and related services, and browse or use other websites, services, or content resources, we will not be able to or directly responsible for protecting the personal information you provided to software and websites other than NocNoc Visitor and relevant services, regardless of whether you log in, browse, or use the above software or website following the links or guidance of NocNoc Visitor.

7. 管理您的个人信息/How do we manage your personal information


We attach great importance to the management of your personal information, and we will do our best to protect your relevant rights to access, copy, correct, delete, withdraw consent and authorization, cancel your account, complain, set up privacy functions for your personal information to enable you to protect your privacy and information security.

7.1 改变或撤回授权范围/Modify or withdraw the scope of authorization

7.1.1. 改变或撤回敏感权限设置/Change or withdraw of sensitive permission settings


You can close the permission to camera or withdraw your permissions in the device's own operating system. We will no longer collect information related to such a permission after your withdrawal.

7.1.2改变或撤回授权的信息处理/Change or withdrawal information processing authorization


Specific business functions and services will require your information to complete. After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue providing you with the functions and services corresponding to the consent or authorization you have withdrawn, and we will no longer process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect our processing of personal information based on your authorization beforehand.

7.2 访问、更正您的个人信息/Access and correct your personal information


Access personal information: Enter [Lark - Workplace - Guest Reservation] to view, modify, and delete personal information.


You can submit a request for correction of information to your organization, which will be processed by the enterprise user administrator.

7.3 帐号注销/Account cancellation


After you terminate your use of the Software, you may submit a request to your organization to delete your personal account, which will be processed by the enterprise user administrator.After you cancel your account, we will delete your relevant information or anonymize it unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.

7.4 意见反馈和投诉举报/Feedback, complaint, and report

您可以按照我们公示的制度进行投诉或举报。如果您有任何意见或您认为您的个人信息权利可能受到侵害,或者发现侵害个人信息权利的线索,您有权通过support@visit.kundou.cn联系我们进行投诉,我们将在收到您投诉之日起 15 个工作日内尽快做出答复。

You can complain and report in accordance with our announced mechanism. If you have any comments, you think that your personal information rights may have been infringed, or you have found any clues about infringement of personal information rights, you are entitled to contact us at support@visit.kundou.cn to file a complaint, and we will reply as soon as possible within 15 business days from the date of receiving your complaint.

7.5 停止运营向您告知权利/Cease operations and inform you


If we cease operations, we will timely stop collecting your personal information, notify you of the cessation of operations in the form of delivering individual notification or public announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information in our possession.

8. 未成年人使用条款/Terms of use for minors

8.1 若您是未满18周岁的未成年人,在使用访客大师及相关服务前,应在您的父母或其他监护人监护、指导下共同阅读并同意本隐私政策。

If you are a minor under the age of 18, before using NocNoc Visitor and related services, you shall read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the supervision and direction of your parents or other guardians.

8.2 若您是未满14周岁的未成年人的监护人,在使用访客大师及相关服务前,应为您的被监护人阅读并同意本隐私政策。

If you are the guardian of a minor under the age of 14, before using NocNoc Visitor and relevant services, you should read and agree to this Privacy Policy for your ward.

8.3 我们根据国家相关法律法规的规定保护未成年人的个人信息,只会在法律允许、父母或其他监护人明确同意或保护未成年人所必要的情况下收集、使用、共享或披露未成年人的个人信息;如果我们发现在未事先获得可证实的父母或其他监护人同意的情况下收集了未成年人的个人信息,则会设法尽快删除相关信息。

We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant state laws and regulations, and will only collect, use, share, or disclose the personal information of minors under the conditions permitted by law, with the explicit consent of parents or other guardians or necessary for the protection of minors. If we find that personal information of a minor has been collected without the prior verifiable consent of a parent or other guardian, we will delete such information as soon as possible.

8.4 若您是未成年人的监护人,当您对您所监护的未成年人的个人信息有相关疑问时,请通过本隐私政策公示的联系方式与我们联系。

If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy.

9. 隐私政策的修订和通知/Revisions to the Privacy Policy and Notifications

9.1 为了给您提供更好的服务,访客大师及相关服务将不时更新与变化,我们会适时对本协议进行修订,该等修订构成本协议的一部分并具有等同于本协议的效力。但未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您依据当前生效的本协议所应享受的权利。

In order to provide you with better services, NocNoc Visitor and relevant services will be updated and changed from time to time, and we will amend this Privacy Policy in due course. Such amendments shall constitute part of this Privacy Policy and have the same effect as this Privacy Policy. However, we will not reduce your rights under this then-current effective Privacy Policy without your explicit consent.

9.2 本隐私政策更新后,我们将尽合理努力向所有用户告知,例如在本软件内发布通知,并在更新后的条款生效前以适当的方式提醒您更新的内容,以便您及时了解本协议的最新版本。如您继续使用我们的服务,表示同意接受修订后的本协议的内容。如果您不同意更新后的隐私政策,您必须停止访问或使用本软件。

After the update of this Privacy Policy, we will use reasonable efforts to inform all users, such as posting a notice within the Software, and reminding you of the updated content in an appropriate manner before the updated terms take effect, so that you can keep abreast of the latest version of this agreement. If you continue to use our services, it shall be deemed that you have agreed to accept the amended Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the updated Privacy Policy, you must stop accessing or using the Software.

10. 联系我们/How to contact us

如您对个人信息保护问题或本隐私政策内容有任何疑问、意见或建议,您可发送邮件至 support@visit.kundou.cn联系我们,我们核查并验证您的用户身份后会及时反馈您的投诉与举报。

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions to personal information protection issues or this Privacy Policy, you can contact us by sending an email to support@visit.kundou.cn, and we will promptly respond to your complaints and reports after checking and verifying your user identity.

11. 其他/Others

11.1 本隐私政策中的标题仅为方便及阅读而设,并不影响本隐私政策中任何规定的含义或解释。

The headings used in this Privacy Policy are for convenience and reading only, and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision in this Privacy Policy.

11.2 定义/Definition


Affiliates:means any company or institution that controls, controlled by, or under common control with such a party at present or in the future. "Control" means the ability to directly or indirectly influence the management of the company mentioned herein, whether through ownership, voting shares, contracts or other means prescribed by law.


De-identification: refers to the process of technical processing of personal information so that the subject of the personal information cannot be identified without the help of additional information.


Anonymization: refers to the process of making the subject of personal information unrecognizable through technical processing of personal information, and the processed information cannot be recovered.

11.3 本隐私政策的版权为我们所有,在法律允许的范围内,我们拥有解释和修改的权利。

This Privacy Policy is copyrighted by us and we reserve the right to interpret and modify it to the extent permitted by law.

11.4 本隐私政策以中英文两种文字书写,如有不同之处,以中文为准。

This Privacy Policy is signed in both Chinese and English. If there is any discrepancy, the version in Chinese shall be prevailing.